post_meta: page: date_type:both# created or updated or both 主页文章日期是创建日或者更新日或都显示 date_format:relative# date/relative 显示日期还是相对日期 categories:true# true or false 主页是否显示分类 tags:true# true or false 主页是否显示标签 label:true# true or false 显示描述性文字 post: date_type:both# created or updated or both 文章页日期是创建日或者更新日或都显示 date_format:relative# date/relative 显示日期还是相对日期 categories:true# true or false 文章页是否显示分类 tags:true# true or false 文章页是否显示标签 label:true# true or false 显示描述性文字
# anchor # when you scroll in post , the url will update according to header id. anchor: button: enable:false always_show:false icon:# the unicode value of Font Awesome icon, such as '\3423' auto_update:false# when you scroll in post, the URL will update according to header id.
优先显示图片的 title 属性,然后是 alt 属性
修改 主题配置文件
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# copy settings # copyright: Add the copyright information after copied content (复制的内容后面加上版权信息) copy: enable:true copyright: enable:true limit_count:50
related_post: enable:true limit:6# 显示推荐文章数目 date_type:created# or created or updated 文章日期显示创建日或者更新日
当文章封面设置为 false 时,或者没有获取到封面配置,分页背景将会显示主题色。
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# post_pagination (分页) # value: 1 || 2 || false # 1: The 'next post' will link to old post # 2: The 'next post' will link to new post # false: disable pagination post_pagination:false
aside: enable:true hide:false button:true mobile:true# display on mobile position:right# left or right display: archive:true tag:true category:true card_author: enable:true description: button: enable:true icon:fabfa-github text:FollowMe link: card_announcement: enable:true content:ThisismyBlog card_recent_post: enable:true limit:5# if set 0 will show all sort:date# date or updated sort_order:# Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works card_categories: enable:true limit:8# if set 0 will show all expand:none# none/true/false sort_order:# Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works card_tags: enable:true limit:40# if set 0 will show all color:false orderby:random# Order of tags, random/name/length order:1# Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending sort_order:# Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works card_archives: enable:true type:monthly# yearly or monthly format:MMMMYYYY# eg: YYYY年MM月 order:-1# Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending limit:8# if set 0 will show all sort_order:# Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works card_webinfo: enable:true post_count:true last_push_date:true sort_order:# Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works
由于 API 有 访问次数限制,为了避免调用太多,主题默认存取期限为 10 分钟。也就是説,调用后资料会存在 localStorage 里,10分钟内刷新网站只会去 localStorage 读取资料。 10 分钟期限一过,刷新页面时才会去调取 API 读取新的数据。( 3.6.0 新增了 storage 配置,可自行配置缓存时间)
修改 主题配置文件
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# Aside widget - NewestComments newest_comments: enable: true sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works limit: 6 storage: 10 # unit: mins, save data to localStorage avatar: true
# dark mode darkmode: enable:true # dark mode和 light mode切换按钮 button:true autoChangeMode:false # Set the light mode time. The value is between 0 and 24. If not set, the default value is 6 and 18 start:# 8 end:# 22
autoChangeMode: 1
跟随系统而变化,不支持的浏览器/系统将按照时间 start 到 end 之间切换为 light mode
autoChangeMode: 2
只按照时间 start 到 end 之间切换为 light mode ,其余时间为 dark mode
autoChangeMode: false
light mode 的开始时间
light mode 的结束时间
修改 主题配置文件
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# show scroll percent in scroll-to-top button rightside_scroll_percent:true
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# Don't modify the following settings unless you know how they work (非必要请不要修改 ) # Choose: readmode,translate,darkmode,hideAside,toc,chat,comment # Don't repeat 不要重复 rightside_item_order: enable:false hide:# readmode,translate,darkmode,hideAside show:# toc,chat,comment
note: # Note tag style values: # - simple bs-callout old alert style. Default. # - modern bs-callout new (v2-v3) alert style. # - flat flat callout style with background, like on Mozilla or StackOverflow. # - disabled disable all CSS styles import of note tag. style:simple icons:false border_radius:3 # Offset lighter of background in % for modern and flat styles (modern: -12 | 12; flat: -18 | 6). # Offset also applied to label tag variables. This option can work with disabled note tag. light_bg_offset:0
<div class="gallery-group-main"> {% galleryGroup name description link img-url %} {% galleryGroup name description link img-url %} {% galleryGroup name description link img-url %} </div>
Unique name : Unique name of tabs block tag without comma. Will be used in #id's as prefix for each tab with their index numbers. If there are whitespaces in name, for generate #id all whitespaces will replaced by dashes. Only for current url of post/page must be unique! [index] : Index number of active tab. If not specified, first tab (1) will be selected. If index is -1, no tab will be selected. It's will be something like spoiler. Optional parameter. [Tab caption] : Caption of current tab. If not caption specified, unique name with tab index suffix will be used as caption of tab. If not caption specified, but specified icon, caption will empty. Optional parameter. [@icon] : FontAwesome icon name (full-name, look like 'fas fa-font') Can be specified with or without space; e.g. 'Tab caption @icon' similar to 'Tab caption@icon'. Optional parameter.